Thank you for subscribing to Board Fundraising Pro!
We look forward to helping your board be the best fundraising board it can be! We have sent a confirmation email to the email address you provided on the previous form. You can also find most of the information from that email on this page as well!
To get started, we need four things from you:
- The personal URL you would like for your page (up to 12 letters) so that your landing page will read: boards.askingmatters.com/yourorganization.
- Your preferred password (at least 8 letters/numbers/symbols but I’d keep it simple) for the landing page.
- Your logo
- Two high-quality pictures, of your programs in action, in horizontal format. We’ll choose the one that works best for your page.
Please email the above to boards@askingmatters.com so we can set up your landing page, which we will do within three business days. We’ll email you back when it’s complete so you can get started!
Attached below and in your confirmation email is the Board Fundraising Pro Guide, which contains everything you need to train your board. I suggest reading Sections 1 through 3 immediately, and then familiarizing yourself with the whole Guide as soon as possible.
If you have any technical questions or issues, please email us. If at any time you have a question about how to use Board Fundraising Pro, please email me at brian@askingmatters.com.
Here’s to working together to get your entire board to be comfortable and effective in helping raise the funds to do your great work!
– Brian Saber