Board Fundraising Pro Sample Landing Page
Please browse this sample landing page to see what we set up for each organization that subscribes to Board Fundraising Pro. Note, none of the videos (except for the Welcome Video) or resources are active on this sample page, as they can only be accessed once you sign up!

Welcome Visual Arts Center of New Jersey Board Members!
Hats off to you for investing your time in becoming an effective ambassador and fundraiser for the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey.
We are here to help you focus your efforts on building strategic relationships that lead to a large base of committed, long-term donors.
It’s not about hitting up everyone you know for a gift, and it’s not even about every board member asking for gifts. It’s about everyone being involved in the process, putting their best foot forward with skillful communication and telling a compelling story about the work you so deeply believe in.

Get Started
I. Welcome Video
5 minutes
Just a brief hello from Brian!
Please enjoy this sample video! All of the other videos on this page are only available for Board Fundraising Pro subscribers.
II. Setting the Stage
25 minuteS + worksheet
Fundraising training starts with understanding what it’s all about and why we do it. Here we cover your mindset about both money and philanthropy, why cultivating and asking makes such an impact, and best practices for board member
III. Intro to Asking Styles
7 minutes
Learn how the Asking Styles were developed, the key traits of each, and two examples of how they impact our fundraising. After watching the video, take the quiz below to find out your Primary and Secondary Asking Styles.
Find Your Asking Style
3 minutes
Take the 30-question, true/false Asking Styles quiz and check your email for results.

IV. Fundraise using Your Asking Style
Watch the video for your Style, completing the worksheet as you go along.
Additional Resources
We hope these additional resources will be of help to you over time.
Consider watching these brief videos and discussing them as a group:
The Power of Being Authentic
What's a Major Gift for Your Organization
Responding to Resistance to Meeting
Cultivating Donors Year-Round
Board Members: Give, Get or Both
Making the Case for Support

- Asking Styles Nametag Template
- Side-by-Side Resource Development Form
- Contact Report
- Anxiety/Excitement Worksheet
- Conversation Questions
- Sample Ask-for-the-Meeting Letters
- Intentional Conversation Outline
- Top Ten Ways to Ensure You Get a Meeting
- Top Ten Ways to Make Your Donor Feel Special
- Sample Board Fundraising Training Plan and Calendar
These are great 10-15 minute group exercises for board meetings, retreats, and other gatherings:
- Your Asking Style Matters
- Finding Your Own Words
- Making the Ask
- Responding to Resistance to Meeting
- Board as a Team
- Asking Styles and Donor Cultivation