How to Tell Your Story as a Board Member

Live board training webinar. Two identical sessions available.

Have your entire board and staff attend for one low price!*

Sessions will take place on April 8th at 7PM ET and April 9th at 1PM ET.

How to Tell Your Story as a Board Member​

Live webinar sessions on April 8th at 7PM ET and April 9th at 1PM ET.

There is no such thing as an elevator pitch. If everyone on your board is saying the same thing, it will sound canned. It won’t sound authentic. And most of your board members won’t be able to deliver the pitch passionately.

Yet most board members feel they don’t know how to craft their own story to share with those they want to cultivate and solicit. They feel they don’t know enough about the organization, or what to prioritize. They feel they’ll never be as articulate as staff. All this holds them back from doing the work.

Have your entire board join Brian Saber to learn how to craft their individual passionate and authentic stories based on who they are and their relationship to the organization.

In this interactive webinar, board members will:
They will leave the webinar having drafted a compelling story to practice at your next board meeting.
Brian Saber, board training expert and host of Board Fundraising Essentials.

Brian has harnessed 35+ years of frontline fundraising experience to become a trainer, coach, and consultant around the country and abroad. He trains boards and staff, helps develop major gift programs, writes fundraising books, and coaches top-level staff, all with the idea of taking organizations to the next level.

Get your entire board and staff* this important training and support for one low price of $349!

NOTE: The webinar comes with a multi-page worksheet we will complete during the webinar. You and your board members will be sent a copy of the webinar recording, slides, worksheet, and bonus materials, so everyone can watch the training even if they can’t attend live.

*Up to 40 board and staff members. For larger groups, please contact us here.

Get this Webinar for FREE with Board Fundraising Pro!

Your entire board and staff can get this important webinar included when your organization signs up for Board Fundraising Pro; our intensive, cost-effective, and practical online board training program.

How does it work?

Two identical live virtual training sessions using Zoom Webinars.

Live webinar sessions on April 8th at 7PM ET and April 9th at 1PM ET.

When your organization signs up for this webinar, you get a registration link to send to your board members. Each board member then registers for whichever training session fits their schedule. They attend the session live, and get a follow up with a link to the recording, PDF of the slides, and bonus materials as well. It’s that simple!

  • 1-hour live virtual training at their convenience
  • Interactive worksheet to fill in as they listen
  • Link to recording and a PDF of slides
  • Bonus materials
  • Purchase the webinar and receive a link to a page that describes the live training and includes links to the webinar registration forms.
  • Send an email (or two!) to your board members, with a link to the information page, encouraging them to participate.
  • Choose the training session that works best for their schedule:
    • March 4th 2025 @ 7:00PM ET
    • March 5th 2025 @ 1:00PM ET
  • Sign up for one of the live trainings even if they can’t make any.
  • They will get an email with log-in instructions (and two reminders from us!)
  • NOTE: After the webinar we’ll send everyone who registers a link to their recording, a PDF of the slides, and bonus materials.

Train your board for one low price.

Get your entire board and staff* this important training and support for one low price $349!

Live webinar sessions on April 8th at 7PM ET and April 9th at 1PM ET

*Up to 40 board and staff members. For larger groups, please contact us here.